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The 'Me Time' Tag

Hi everyone,
So this is a tag that was created over on YouTube by two of my favourite YouTubers, Essiebutton and AmeliaLiana. I thought it was a cool tag, and slightly different to the things I normally talk about here, so I thought I'd do it.
*Also, apologies for the funny lighting in some of the photos, its gotten to that point in the year when the light starts changing after 3 o'clock.

What do you watch or read during me time?
As you will know if you've read any of my monthly favourites posts, I watch a lot of television. I'm that person that constantly has a new tv show on the go. At the moment I'm watching new episodes of The 100, The Fall and How To Get Away With Murder. I also rewatch old episodes of Shameless a lot, because they're so good they just never seem to get old.
As far as reading goes, I don't have a lot of time to read my own books because I'm always reading for college, and my brain can't handle more than one book at once. When I do get time, I tend to read a lot of YA and fantasy. The last book I read was Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, which I really enjoyed. I also read and loved Heir of Fire back in September and it's one I tend to go back to a lot.

What do you wear during me time?
A lot of I just keep what I've been wearing for the day, but because it's winter now and it's freezing I'll add my Uggs and a cardigan or hoodie. Occasionally I'll throw on pyjama bottoms too.
The uniform
What are your me time beauty products?
Normally just moisturiser and Vaseline, because I get dry skin and lips, particularly in winter. I'm not really into face masks, I had a bad experience with one a few years ago, and that scarred me a bit (metaphorically, not literally).

Current favourite nail polish?
I have two; 'Break Through' from Essence and '7' from Kiko.

What do you eat/drink during me time?
Usually chocolate. I am paricularly partial to these Cadburys Oreo Bars.
And to drink; tea!

Current favourite candle?
This blueberry one from Ikea

Do you ever have outdoor me time?
Not really to be honest. Occasionally I'll go for walks, but my 'me time' tends to be in the evenings when I come home after being out for the day.

Would you ever see a movie alone?
In theory yes, although not a lot of people seem to do it here compared to elsewhere. In practice, I'm far too broke to go to the cinema very often, so when I do I want to go with friends.

Favourite online shop?
I actually don't buy clothes or makeup online at all. I just prefer going to the shops. The only things I buy online are books and DVDs, and for that I use Amazon or Play.com

Anything else to add? What else do you do during me time?
Not a whole lot. Other than reading and watching things, I write a bit and I do this blog. That's about it! ;)

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