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Ok. This is some dark stuff.

As much as I hate to discard the theory that our elites may be sons of bitches but they're nonetheless our sons of bitches, it's pretty much demanded by any somewhat sober interpretation of the behavior of contemporary Western governments.

Which this isn't. Did someone say "mojito time"? Why, yes, I believe they did.

Just whose side are these people on? No longer are they entitled to a presumption that they are acting with the interests of their own people in mind. Moreover, they're clearly impervious to voter outrage.

Charles Hugh Smith has definitely come up with a startling theory that tries to explain this amazing phenomenon of elites hostile to their own people.

His theory is that Western governments (and their financial controllers) initially exploited colonial peoples with the aid of military conquest. Then, when they were forced to give up their colonial empires after WWII, they attempted to subjugate their former colonies financially. However, even the "economic pillaging of former colonies has limits" and the same techniques of exploitation have to be turned on one's own people to keep the profits flowing. In this final stage of rapacious exploitation of every person on the face of the planet, the real rulers taketo fleecing the fringes of the home territory.

Such as with, Greece. On the periphery of the European empire.

If this strikes you as being a bit "out there" well, I'm with you but, when it's as clear as a bell that Western elites are both traitorous and certifiable ("'We' can never have too may Arabs/Chinese/Somalis/Mexicans in America/France/Germany/Sweden"), it's an intriguing theory. Economics as exploitation by a financial elite.

Life is good in the U.S. and Europe for the most part but it's easy to see how colonial peoples thought that the people who controlled their countries did not have their interests uppermost in their minds. The idea that nations represent one people, that the ruling class defends it, and that domestic disputes get worked out by the historic peoples of each nation is passe in modern advanced thinking. State of the art thinking now is that a nation should import discord, parasitism, disease, and foreign competition for jobs and if money can be made by financial manipulation of one's own people then what's not to love about that?

"Greece and the Endgame of the Neocolonial Model of Exploitation." By Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 2/19/15.

Revised 3/2/15.

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