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Face of Australia: Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Here's a colour you don't normally see me wearing - yellow!

I have a bit of a fear of yellow.  Actually a lot of fear when it comes to this particular colour.  I just don't think I can wear it so I don't have any yellow in my wardrobe at all.  No tops, bottoms, scarves, shoes, accessories - nothing is yellow.  It was with this in mind I chose Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy to literally push outside my colour boundaries.  It's a straightforward pastel yellow, more like banana custard than lemon and it looked okay although I still didn't feel comfortable and it got mixed reviews too.  My husband disliked it, or shall I say hated it, but the checkout girl at the local supermarket liked it enough to ask me what I was wearing.  Application was quite smooth and even, although the polish was a little on the thick side. Also, for some reason this shade really shows up even the slightest imperfect application around the cuticle area so clean up is recommended for that perfectly clean looking edge.  This was two coats with top coat. 

All pictures were taken in cloudy conditions:

Which colour do you find difficult to wear?

Until next time.

Vita :)

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